Monday 2 March 2015

Final Project

I can't believe it's my last week of classes! I compiled some thoughts on technology and teaching for my final project and put it in a video. Check it out at the link below:

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Presentation with Jennifer Dyck-Sprout

Today, Jennifer Dyck-Sprout, the Implementation Manager of Everfi came to visit us.

Jennifer has worked in the New York School Division, and had a lot to tell us about the school system in the states and specifically, New York. She also told us all about charter schools, which are somewhere between public and private schools. They are publicly funded, but are available at no cost to students. To get into a charter school, a student's number needs to be pulled in a lottery. For many low-income families, the chance of going to a charter school means a chance to go on to college or university.

It is expected that all of these students will go on to university, since they have great outcomes for their students. On the other hand, charter schools put the public school system at a disadvantage, as it somewhat leaves the public school system in the dust. It sounds really interesting, and I'll have to do a bit more research on charter systems. Jennifer suggested watching the movie "Waiting for Superman" on Netflix, which touches on this debate.

Another thing Jennifer told us all about is Everfi, the company she works for. Everfi is a company that partners with fortune 500 companies in order to bring technology into the school system. It has digital courses on financial education, digital education, substance abuse prevention, and civic education. I tried out one of the financial education courses and it was pretty great!

It sounds like a cool program and I'll have to look into it more!

Friday 20 February 2015


This week I didn't have Internet for Educators class because I went to Saskatoon to present at the WestCAST conference. A few girls and I presented some literacy strategies that we have learned through our PDS program working with struggling readers.

It was a great trip, and we really enjoyed it! It was great to be able to share the different strategies that we have learned through working with our students, and it sounded like our presentation went over really well. The listeners were really engaged in our presentation, and it was a lot of fun.

We shared a bit about the program first, and went on from there to discuss specific literacy strategies in accuracy, comprehension, and fluency. Since each of us presenting had a student at a different reading level, as well as different areas that we were working on, we were able to present a pretty well-rounded presentation.

Along with presenting, we also attended some breakout sessions, as well as had a great keynote session with Dr. Jay Wilson from the U of S. He session was called "Using Technology to Enhance Student Engagement," and it was a great summary of our I4Ed class! He talked about how important it is to engage students in the class, and how well technology can aid us in doing so. He also mentioned a lot of different apps and resources to help us. Here's my summary notes of the session:

So there you go! All in all, it was a great week!

Sunday 15 February 2015

The Future...

What does the future hold for education? That's not a simple question to answer. The future is ever-changing, but I think it holds exciting new things, especially in terms of technology and the role of the teacher.

The education system has definitely changed since I was a grade school student. When I got my first cell phone in grade 11, we weren't supposed to even look at them in class. At my last teaching placement, students used their phones on a daily basis for research. Things have certainly changed!

With technology comes access to a greater knowledge base than we had before. As a student teacher, I use the internet all the time for lesson planning, as it's good to see what other teachers have tried and what has and hasn't worked. My last cooperating teacher told me about how she remembered when she started using the internet for lesson planning, and how it saved so much time and made it so much easier for her; she no longer had to search through poetry or short story anthologies to find the right one for her class to study, she could just google it!

Not only is knowledge accessible to teachers though, it's also accessible to students, which makes me rethink what and how I should be teaching. If students have access to the internet everywhere they go, what is the point of me teaching them that Canada became a country in 1867? Unless they're on a game show about to win $1 million, can't they just look it up when they need to know?

In talking with my professors and cooperating teachers I am glad to hear that I am not alone in this thinking. Students don't need to be taught facts like this in school. They need to be taught how to learn. Sure, the curriculum is still important, and I will still teach the curriculum of course, but instead of quizzing students on important dates in history, how about I ask what makes them important? It's the deeper understanding that I want to teach - that along with how to do research to find out the specific details.

The NMC Horizon Report looks at the changing education system and challenges the role of teachers in this new system. Rather than being the primary sources of information in the classroom, teachers are being challenged to "act as guides and mentors to promote student-centered learning," that is, to show students how to be a lifelong learner. Rather than equipping students with a bunch of facts, teachers need to be equipping students with the skills to problem-solve and create - that is what best prepares them for the future.

That is why I hope to do a lot of project-based learning and inquiry-based learning - so that my students will have experiences figuring things out and solving problems. What better way to prepare them for the future?

As the education system changes, so do teachers. As a new teacher, there's not much I need to change yet, but I will need to make sure to keep an open mind as the education system continues to shift. Regardless of the changes that will occur, I will keep in mind my number one goal - to prepare my students to be lifelong learners and successful in whatever they do.

Monday 9 February 2015

Show & Tell

It's time for Show & Tell!

I want to show off this great app that I found. It's called "Starlight" and it is great for the grade 6 Science unit on the Solar System.

Basically how it works is you go outside with it, point it up at the sky, and it tells you which stars, constellations, and planets are in that direction. On a clear night you'll be able match up the screen with the sky, and maybe even see the planets.

This is a great app as students learn about constellations and planets, and it gives them the opportunity to track the changes in the night sky. It would obviously work best if students had access to devices while at home so they could see this at night, whether it was their own, or a device given to them for 1:1 computing purposes from the school division.

It's currently selling for $1.19 on the app store, but every once in a while it is available for free, so check it out!

Using Online Video in the Classroom

Viewing videos can be a great way to introduce a subject or reinforce learning, and the creation of videos can be a great way to show what students have learned.

I have used video when teaching grade 7/8 Social Studies on the Medieval period. I found that the students were much more attentive to the video with it's pictures and reenactments than just me talking about the subject. I also gave my students the option of creating a video as their final project, which many of them did.

YouTube can be a great place to find videos, but you can also run into some terrible videos there too, along with many ads. One website that is really great for finding reliable educational videos on YouTube, TED, or other locations is

Here's a video I found introducing the Greek gods:

I would use this video as an introduction to Greek mythology. Students would view this video in order to learn the different Greek gods. There's also a video on the goddesses, that would go well either right after, or possibly the next day so students are not overwhelmed with all the new information.

After learning about the gods and goddesses, students would be able to learn some of the myths and understand the characters more. This understanding of characters and myths would introduce students to Ancient Greek culture.

I would also love to be able to do a culminating assignment where students create a video of their own that reflects their learning. It would be great if they were able to post it on YouTube as well so their learning could be shared with other classrooms. has a lot more videos as well that would be great for different lessons in math, science, language arts, and Phys Ed. It's a great resource for all teachers.

Brandon School Division and policies

Today we had Kelli Boklaschuk from the Brandon School Division come and do a presentation for our class. She is the Communications and IT person for the division, and had a lot to tell us about technology in the division.

She was challenged with the task of bringing the Brandon School Division to a 1:1 computing state, and discussed with us the challenges that come with that. The budget is obviously the most challenging aspect, as it takes a lot of money to purchase computing devices for students, and it also takes training of the teachers. There is no point in having devices for all students if the teachers don't know how to use them in the classroom. Teachers need to be trained on how to use devices, how to incorporate technology into their lessons, and what is appropriate digital citizenship.

She showed us a site called Popplet were we created an online bulletin board with connected points about digital citizenship vs. general citizenship. We talked about modelling good digital citizenship and being respectful, both online and offline. Popplet itself seems like a great program to use, and it has great educational value.

She also told us about the policies in the Brandon School Division regarding showing student work, photographing students, having students participate in digital activities, and other policies. Social media is a big one, since most teachers are on some kind of social media, or store their files in the cloud. It is important for any teacher working in the division to understand the policies that are in place.

All in all, it was very informative and helped me as I will be heading to the BSD in 4 weeks!